Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wk4- Ch. 9-12Reading

"......a man could light a fire with ease wherever he went because he always carried the spark- "
Zander, The art of Possibility

I have always been a lover of strong witticisms, sayings or nuggets of truth. I guess the rationale behind that is that when you can't remember the whole story it is sometimes easy to get some strong yet fundamental truth from the nugget to help you along on your way.

With each chapter of this book, I always have found some specific nugget like that. It could be at the front, the middle toward the end; but whatever else is said, that one piece stays with me. It is usually those things that I share with others. Case in point the last part of the story about the Middle ages gentlemen who always carried a cinder with him so he can start a fire with a little bit of kindling.

Not necessarily an earth shattering epiphany I admit, but I do sometimes think that many of us serve as the cinder to the fire of these students. Moreover, our ability to see things on a more creative, visionary or grander scale sets us apart from many.

As Artists, educators administrators and mentors our spark creates the inevitable ability to stick out because of this trait. A responsibility of enrollment as it relates to others results from this. When I speak of this, my interpretation from the context of this post is that we are charged and in some cases overwhelmed by the desire to invite others to either become part of the energy that we have about what we do, or allow them to catch their own spark from their proximity to us. This, I think is how we continue to contribute to and inspire others to bigger thing well after we have left.

I also think that EMDT has been the Cinder to my projects kindling, which has restarted a fire for me. The fire was there, but as life got in the way...the cinder went out. I am starting to think again about other dreams that had been snuffed...and dreaming others...I think I smell smoke again!

Okay, I think I have beaten this metaphor to death enough!

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