Saturday, October 30, 2010

1:33p Saturday afternoon…..

1.     -Laundry almost done….Check

2.     -Baby put down for a nap……Check!
(that gives me 20 min….maybe)

3.     -Done battle with the forces of evil (I.E. procrastination) and won……Er, Uh

4.     Completed the FSO assignment that is Due first……Ok check!
(YAY, that means I really HAVE accomplished something!!!!)

5.     (oh just a sec…gotta throw the clothes in dryer………
…….ok, #1,  Check again!

6.     5. -Finally broke away from my laptop for lunch….check!

Ok, this may seem like an exercise in procrastination and counterproductive to my studies, but this is my life…uh weekend life. The lady of the house has went to staff meeting because her job, in their infinite wisdom decided that 5 days of 3rd shift isn’t enough to see her smiling face and caffeine fueled body.  This meant that my ministry leaders meeting that I had planned to represent 2 organizations at was a wash….AND I would really get no work done today until John goes to cat nap…..

…actually it is fairly normal Saturday. A whole lot of distraction and diversions…but the mission (should you choose to accept it….) to learn something today.

My online Job search is on hold today, as I need to dive into CBR mode today so that I can slay the two headed APA monster and rescue the EMDT degree……….

Well, got sources to format…….hope you enjoyed my ranting…..(I have no excuse for any delirium that you my suspect from this manuscript…..I did have my coffee this morning)

Smile, it could be worse!



Since I am still very involved in Freelance Graphic Design, I am always on the look out for quality stock photos at economical pricing. This is why I was surprised, but nonetheless extremely pleased to find PhtoXpress on the web2.0 site. These are my observations:

+ Free download of up to 10 stock Photography images
+ No significant restrictions on the use of the images to differentiate this site from more pricey stock photo sites.
+ Easy set up, immediate downloading ability once email is authenticated.
+ At over 60,000 free images, there is a lot to choose from for projects.
+ Very simple navigation; you will not have any problem with knowing when you have reached your daily limit of pics.
+ The 9.99/month fee for premium users affords accessibility to more images than most creative producers will use in any month (15,000).

-       Lightbox (where you store favorite pics that you have not purchased/downloaded only allows you one download folder; but by having up to 10 free pics available for users, some limitations would be expected.
-       Lightbox is somewhat difficult to find once you save to the location

Attached to this doc below, I tested the imagery I downloaded. I reproduced an existing flyer I designed for a monthly after work mixer sponsored by the hometown alumni chapter of my fraternity. For the orientation of the image I had to change the flyer to portrait instead of landscape but that is not major thing. Occasionally it adds a unique effect to design when you turn convention on its side (IE. Most flyers for these type of events are landscape format)

the first image is the original; the second is the redo. At present I am satisfied with the quality and the choice of imagery available. PhotXpress is very comparable with the stock photo sites I am usually purchasing from and I am getting much more for my money.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 1 -Blog URL (Blogs, Blogs Every where...and none of them ongoing!)

I think that I may fare better with a school work blog than I have done with my personal forays into Blogging:

I mean don't get me wrong, I have MOST of the prerequisites fulfilled to be a Blogger as i see it: Opinionated, varied interests, a interesting look at life...and most importantly, a mouth that wont stop running.....(this is Carter Commentary folks...please don't picket....I can't afford to be shut down before the business starts making money!

The problem I think, is though my opinion is valid and has some value, unlike may other bloggers I don't feel it a priority to share what I think with the world (which, I think, is at the heart of the most effective Bloggers). Most of my blogging attempts have been collaborations and/or service based vehicles where I my need to create it was stronger than others have seen to maintain it. Such examples: (The IT blog of the First Baptist Church of mandarin, Jacksonville FL....okay maintaining this one is my job!...0 for 1!) (Business owners who are members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity inc.) (Creative professionals who are members of Kappa alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.)

My most consistent effort has been with my personal blog through WordPress, which is still located on my website. Here I could wax fanboy geekdom and rant incessantly without being shoved into a locker and still point out the obvious saving grace when someone swears I am 100% wrong (I.E. YOU came to MY site). Still the brilliant epiphanies (LOL) were roadblocked by the regular interruptions that we call "life", here we go again. 

Perhaps being graded, and spending my money to be in school at Full Sail would be a better motivator than just telling the world what I THINK.

But if I still can't get it right, I can look at someone who does it a wee bit better  My wife's blog: ( Since she is working on her first book and writes pretty well, perhaps I can take a page from her play book and get back on the horse, because I know that I have ALWAYS got something to say!