Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wk3-2 DB Quickies: Difficulties starting new programs/breaking the norm

Topic #2: Why do you think educators are so resistant to change, especially when it comes to technology? How do other institutions, such as business, deal with technological change?

Personally, from my experiences, I think that many educators resist the change for numerous reasons, many of which are associated by fear:

Fear that learning the new way of doing your job would challenge your competency, or would force you to relearn your job altogether; an overall anxiety with technology and change altogether or just unwilling to expand on skills or step out of your comfort zone.

My CBR observations have shown me in many instances that the desire is sometimes there but the time to learn and implement is not, which is also a significant factor.

I would theorize based on this, that many other institutions would accept change with a “minimalist” approach; They would change or implement what goes on in their operations just enough to achieve the intended result and no more.  The other side of the coin would be to just stay in the old way of operation and gravitate only toward clients, business partners and relationships, which allow them to continue business as usual. It is apparent that this is the demise of an organization over time, but failure to accept, embrace or even acknowledge the need to change usually is.

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